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Marilyn Tam offers free gifts for her readers. Fill out the form to receive them.
Gift 1
Get access to Marilyn Tam’s Four Principles for a Successful and Happy Life and Business Success; these are the Principles which provided the formula to her amazing success. In addition you will get more valuable guidance and secrets to achieving your dreams from excerpts from her internationally selling book, “How to Use What You’ve Got to Get What You Want”
Gift 2
See and Learn from the full video of Jack Canfield sharing about his insights and methods to Tapping the Source to Abundance and Happiness, from the filming of the movie, “Tapping the Source”
Gift 3
Read an excerpt from Harville Hendrix’s new book, on how to transform your relationship with your romantic partner into the one you really want. Harville Hendrix PhD co-authored the book, “Making Marriage Simple” with his wife of 30 years, Helen Hunt PhD. They are renown experts in building and sustaining happy relationships.
Gift 4
Gift 5
Hybrid publishing for your book? Literary agent and publishing legend, Bill Gladstone explains how in this video. He is the agent for bestselling authors like Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Thom Hartmann and more. He started the “For Dummies” book series among other innovations.
For the entire course please click here.
Gift 6
Have some fun, rewarding and juicy goals in life – goals that make you happy right now just pursuing them. In this excerpt from her book Zero to Zillionaire, Chellie Campbell, the respected financial stress reduction expert and coach shares how you can choose and follow the life and financial goals that make you happy.
Gift 6
Michael Galitzer, MD, anti-aging authority, longevity consultant to Suzanne Somers and Medical Director of American Health Institute shares his secrets to healthy vibrant living in this excerpt from Suzanne Somers’ latest book, ‘Ageless’.
Gift 7
Janet Hranicky, Ph.D., pioneer in PsychoNeuroImmunology and Cancer shares on the psychology of well-being in both “Getting Well” and to “Optimal Health and Longevity.” Learn the basic foundational principles for the international standard of care in the field of Mind/Body Medicine and Cancer.
Gift 8
Download an excerpt from Dr. Joan Borysenko’s new book, “Fried”, on burnout and how to revive —she integrates psychology, biology, and soul in a completely fresh approach to burnout. Joan’s deeply human (and often amusing) personal accounts of burnout and recovery help convey a clear understanding of the science behind helplessness, hopelessness, and empowerment – the rich wisdom of people who have gone from fried to revived.
Gift 9
We have put together of gift for you from Gail McMeekin’s new writings on how to spark your creative inspirations, follow your intuitions, and create a life that fulfills your own vision of heart-felt personal success. In this era of the global marketplace, tapping into your creative fascinations allows you to find your own niche, and design a life around your life purpose and special gifts. Gail can help you take those fascinations and transform them into a master plan that really works!
Gift 10
Watch and move with Tai Ji master, Chungliang Al Huang as he demonstrates the meaning of Tai Ji in these video from Omega Institute. Master Huang is founder and president of Living Tao Foundation and director of Lan Ting Institute in China and is a renowned teacher and author of tai chi and contemporary Taoism, including “Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain” and “Quantum Soup” and with co-author Allan Watts, “Tao: The Watercourse Way”.
Gift 11
Quotations from a top success book, “The Happiness Choice” by Marilyn Tam. Get Insights on how to release your restrictions and resentments and choose to be happy and successful now.
Gift 12
Marilyn Tam shares her popular smoothie recipe. Enjoy the basic things for a delicious and nutritious smoothie, which will power you up! This is a general recipe for you to experiment with so that you can customize yours based on your taste and availability of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Gift 13
Excerpts from Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share will Follow: The Art and Science of Building Brands by Libby Gill with Special Bonus Excerpt from Clarify: Discovering Your Emotional Assignment
Gift 14
Marilyn Tam shares her Kabocha squash recipe. Kabocha squash is readily available in the farmers’ market and many grocery stores too. It’s something you can put into the oven and then fix the rest of the dinner – and it’s really yummy!